
Holidaze Party for the Holiday Mini Catalogue


The Stampin’ Holiday Mini Catalogue starts on Sept. 6th and I’ve got a great way to introduce you to the catalogue! I’ve partnered with some of my amazing Demonstrator friends from around the World and we have organized a showcase featuring products the Mini Catalogue.

Join my Holidaze Virtual Party; you will see new ideas, products, and live demonstrations.  And fun and prizes too!

The party is free to join*.

The party takes place on Friday, Sept. 8th, from 6- pm. Eastern time. You can join us live or catch up on posts throughout the weekend.

How to Join the Party

  1. Just click on the red Register button below.*
  2. There is a small form to fill in and then I’ll invite you to the exclusive party!
  3. Watch your notifications to join in the party!

REgister now for HolidazeRegister for Holidaze Online Stampin Up party

Don’t wait to join the party as we already have some fun posts up on the site!

*Canadians only and no demonstrators please.


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