
New Online Exclusives and my Top 5 Favourites

Products available as of March 5th.  I’ll update links to products when they are online.

There are a whole ton of new products available on Online Exclusives.  That means you won’t find them in any catalogue, but only in the online store.

There are:

You can see them all in this flyer that I made up for you here.

My top 5 favouritesMy Top 5 Favourites are:

  1. Flowering Zinnias Suite

(as of March 5th the Suite is not available but the items are available individually except for the sequins.  See the flyer for all of the items).

flowering zinnias suite

2. A Little Latte Suite

a little latte suite collection

3. Sweetly Scripted Cling Stamp Set

sweetly scripted stamp set

4. Magnolia Mood Bundle

magnolia mood bundle

5. Happy Little Things Bundle


How to Shop for Online to find online exclusives

  1. Go to my Online Store HERE. Canada flag. Vector illustration.
  2. Click on either the banner they will have or go to MENU and Online Exclusives (see picture).
  3. Browse for what you want or key in the item code from the print out above.
  4. Be sure to use this month’s host/online code for extra perks: WPD9Q723


If you have have any questions, please reach out to me at or




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