
The Best Kept Secret: Paper Pumpkin

Apparently I've been keeping a secret.  I had a recent conversation with a client, who I consider a Woman_hearcrafty crafter.  She has been into rubber stamping for a number of years and knows how to make a pretty card.  And we got talking about the Stampin' Up! Paper Pumpkin subscription program and she thought it was only for beginners who didn't know how to make cards.  And I realize that I have been keeping a secret!  I haven't been shouting from the rooftops at how awesome these monthly kits are for exactly her type of crafter!!!  Maybe you are this type too?  The type that is crafty and knows what to do, and even has stuff, so would feel that is is "cheating" to get a ready-to-go kit. 

But the BIG plus for these crafty crafters is TIME.  So often it is the preparing or gathering of materials that prevents the crafty crafters from just getting to doing something they love.  And it is even WORSE when you actually NEED a card in a hurry.   The monthly Paper Pumpkin kit, that gets shipped to your door, contains materials that are pre-cut, with all the supplies (including stamps and ink) right at your finger tips.  There are times when I'm so busy that the only  TIME I get to craft is a 30-45 period.  And I'm so happy not to have to spend that time getting ready.  I just pull out my Paper Pumpkin box and get to crafting right away!    And sometimes, if I'm feeling extra crafty and have the time, I will modify the projects slightly.  And if I don't have the time, I just follow the instructions exactly as is, and then put those cards aside (in my handy box) to use for a time when I need a card in a hurry.

So here's my secret:  Paper Pumpkin kits are awesome for all types of crafters!!

And if you want to get in on the action, sign up today (by the 10th of the month) to get this month's kit. The cost is $24.95 a month and it includes shipping.    Bonus:  Get a 3 month subscription (on sale for $69)  and earn one Sale-a-bation item. Jointodaywithprice

Need to know a little more about the Best Kept Secret?  Check out this page with more details.


Sample Kit Completed






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