Ten Reasons Why it is a Fabulous Time to Join
When you get the Demonstrator Kit in June, you get some extras (see #10)
What do you get when you get a Demonstrator kit?
- The ability to place orders for yourself and others
- Automatic savings of 20% on your own orders (and the potential for more)
- Earnings of 20% on other people’s orders (and thepotential for more)
- Access to behind-the-scenes info on products
- Join my Jenn’s Junkies group of Demonstrators (for fun, inspiration and learning)
- Ability to attend Stampin’ Up! Events
- Early ordering of new products
- Ability to earn products, cash and more
- Work for yourself and set your own hours and type of business
- Pick out $206* worth of products (your choice) and pay only $135 Canadian (no taxes or shipping+)
*Normally, you pick out $165 worth of products and pay $135 Canadian
+NO shipping on your Demonstrator Kit!! That’s a big savings! But also no taxes except 7% in British Columbia and Manitoba and 6% in Saskatchewan.
How Does it Work?
- Click on the Join links here (scroll down to JOIN TODAY)
- Pick out the products you want (browse the catalogue here)
- Let me know if you want to chat about what you can do as a demonstrator
- Wait for your box of goodies to arrive.
Need more info on what a Demonstrator does? Click here!
Have a question for me. Email me at fun@stampwithjenn.com.