
Sale-A-Bration Has Started!

SAB2009blogclickhere copyOne of Stampin' Up!'s biggest promotions starts today!! Sale-A-Bration gives everyone a chance to celebrate.  You can earn FREE Sale-A-Bration products from the special Sale-A-Bration mini catalogue in any of the following ways:

Customers– earn a FREE Sale-A-Bration product with every $60 purchase made from the current Spring/Summer Idea Book and Catalog.

Hostesses– earn FREE Sale-A-Bration product when they hold a $350 or more workshop during the Sale-A-Bration promotion, in additional to regular hostess benefits.

New recruits– who join Stampin' Up! during the promotion get to choose any retail stamp set (a value up to $56.95) from the current Spring/Summer Idea Book and Catalog when signing up.  Plus, get 15% off the regular $249 price of the Starter Kit–that's $410 worth of products for only $209!

Contact me for more information or to book your workshop today.

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