
New Catalogue is Coming!

No I don't have the new Fall/Winter Idea Book and Catalogue yet! I know, I know…. I'm just as sad as you.  Apparently they are a bit late arriving to the Burlington, Toronto, & Hamilton areas of Canada.  I should have them by Tuesday at the latest.  I will send out a special email letting you know when I've got them!


But you can still see the unveiling of the online version by checking back here at on Monday at noon! 

Also watch for an special email in you inbox on Tuesday, August 12 that will announce some new products (hint:  die cuts!!) and specials that are available with the launch of the new catalogue.  This is all very exciting…can't wait to share it with you!

p.s. Don't forget you only have until Sunday, August 10th at noon to place an order for any retiring stamps or accessories.  The lists are posted on the upper right hand corner of my blog at

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